Quality to me is

"Synergistic phenomena experienced by the user(s) when the product or a service satisfies the requirements, achieves business goals, exceeds expectations, is incredibly usable with real-time servicing & updates, optimal performance and cost effective"

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Scope Layout

There are a lot of mind map tools that are available that can help us in preparing the scope layout.
But topology is a primitive method can serve us, when such tool is not in place.

It presents a pictorial scope of requirements under consideration for the current product/project/module

Topological Space
1. Collection/group of classifications with certain attributes together with Module names for the product
2. A geometric object with n number of attributes that can be n dimensional
3. The expansion of the object has to be continuous
Topological Space
1. Collection/group of classifications with certain attributes together with Module names for the product
2. A geometric object with n number of attributes that can be n dimensional
3. The expansion of the object has to be continuous

Fig Topological Space
1. Pictorial layout/overview of requirements for various modules and scenarios
2. Track Status
                          Dataset                             TestCases                               Environment

                          Not Started                    Awaiting Review                     Completed

 Fig Track Status
3. Possible coverage of requirements for the tests                   
4. Possible to incorporate the changes in the requirements
5. Possible place-holders for the items to be tracked later


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