Quality to me is

"Synergistic phenomena experienced by the user(s) when the product or a service satisfies the requirements, achieves business goals, exceeds expectations, is incredibly usable with real-time servicing & updates, optimal performance and cost effective"

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Test Automation Framework for hosted Model - Proposal

Test automation development is software development. Hence all the metrics would apply and the architecture, standards and procedures have to be well in place. Obviously automation suite should not have more lines of code than the application code. From the viewpoint of the automated test application, every aspect of the underlying application under test is data. Similarly, every Testcase shall be treaded as a feature
1. Save Time
2. Reduce Human Error
3. Track of what is done
4. Compatibility Testing [eg: Browser compatibility]
5. Performance Benchmarking
6. Regression with little effort
7. ROI in the long run
Framework Proposal For MaasS360

Friday, February 20, 2009

Performance Testing

1. To discover bottlenecks, perform capacity planning, optimize the system’s performance
  1. Scope of each PSR test
  2. Timelines and environment assumptions
  3. Details should be obtained from the infrastructure team like network topology diagram to assess which network segments and routers will be affected as a result of the PSR tests. [The network topology diagram and the KBs of data sent per day should help the test engineer plan and mitigate risks associated with the PSR test.]
  4. List of components to be monitored like database, application servers, infrastructure etc. and respective contact persons to report the issues.
  5. Find out how many KBs of data are currently being transmitted for a typical workday for all applications
  6. Templates to collect Environment details
  7. Get the detailed requirements to create the expected volumes of transactions and business processes within the environment for a given number of concurrent users
  8. Creating a folder structure for the artifacts
  9. Tool Evaluation Criteria